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Prof. Irwin Esptein
Helen Rehr Professor of Applied Social Work Research City University of New York
Irwin Epstein 教授在美國哥倫比亞大學修畢社會工作碩士及哲學博士,主修社會學,研究興趣為職業社會學、組織社會學及評估研究方法。曾在英國威爾斯大學擔任高級講師(Fulbright),現時在美國紐約市立大學任教。此外,Epstein 教授亦有在美國、澳洲、芬蘭、香港、以色列、紐西蘭、新加坡和英國等地的大學以及社會機構提供有關實踐為本研究的工作坊。他的最新著作包括Clinical Data-Mining: Integrating Practice and Research, Oxford University Press (2010); Clinical Data-Mining in an Allied Health Organization, co-edited with R. Giles and A. Vertigan, University of Sydney Press (2011); and Practice-based Research in Social Work: A Guide for Reluctant Researchers, co-authored with S.J. Dodd, Routledge Press (2012)。
上午 | 歡迎辭: |
方敏生女士 香港社會服務聯會行政總裁 陳麗雲教授 香港大學睿智計劃總監 |
主題演講: |
by Prof Irwin Epstein (Download powerpoint) Helen Rehr Professor of Applied Social Work Research City University of New York. |
小休 | |||
並行會議Ⅰ:服務研究經驗分享 | |||
服務研究經驗分享 Ⅰ | 服務研究經驗分享 Ⅱ | 服務研究經驗分享 Ⅲ | |
以新模式和持份者合作 ─ |
愛+人「加多 • 和諧」 |
成立硏倡中心-推動病人自我管理與自助 |
羅偉業先生 (Download powerpoint) 救世軍 |
鄒佩芳女士 (Download powerpoint) 香港家庭福利會 |
熊德鳳女士 (Download powerpoint) 香港復康會 |
以研究推動倡議及服務發展 |
建立家庭健康量表之旅 |
引入工作員參與實務研究的經驗 |
周峻任先生 (Download powerpoint) 香港小童群益會 |
李雯珊女士 楊偉強先生 (Download powerpoint) 香港基督教女青年會 |
梁振萍先生 (Download powerpoint) 香港扶幼會 |
和解之路 |
研究與服務發展之實踐 |
服務與實証為本的配合 ─ | |
林可欣女士 程健祖先生 (Download powerpoint) 基督教香港信義會圓融綜合服務中心 |
彭淑儀女士 (Download powerpoint) 明愛天水圍綜合家庭服務中心 |
廖惠英女士 (Download powerpoint) 救世軍 |
午餐 | 下午 | 並行會議Ⅱ:新發現、新實踐:締造社會改變的啓示 | |
新發現、新實踐: 締造社會改變的啓示 Ⅰ |
新發現、新實踐: 締造社會改變的啓示 Ⅱ |
新發現、新實踐: 締造社會改變的啓示 Ⅲ |
防止虐兒‧由零開始:伴侶間暴力與虐兒的關係 |
有關人瑞對老齡生活的啟示研究 |
倪錫欽教授 (Download powerpoint) 香港中文大學 |
陳高凌博士 (Download powerpoint) 香港大學 |
張筱蘭博士 (Download powerpoint) 香港大學 |
郭乃揚先生 香港基督教服務處 |
小休 | |||
全體討論會:實事求是:社會工作知識創造與應用 | |||
1. 實踐為本研究與循證為本實踐特別嘉賓(Download powerpoint) |
2. 實踐優質服務的資源及支援香港社會服務聯會的支援:
總結 |
Topic: Evidence-based Practice and the Search for Intervention Effectiveness: Why Context Matters?
Proponents of Evidence-based Practice place emphasis on seeking the most “robust” findings concerning intervention effectiveness in order to arrive at “best practices”. Their central strategy involves employing randomized controlled experiments and meta-analyses to maximize “effect size”. In so doing however, “contextual effects” —i.e., differences in client characteristics, worker implementation and program structures—are systematically negated. This presentation reviews findings derived from quasi-experimental, practitioner-initiated Clinical Data-Mining studies suggesting that the search for “best practices” must also take contextual factors into account. Practitioners choosing “evidence-based” interventions” should know this. Likewise, practitioners can contribute to our understanding of the importance of context, if only they are asked.
講題: 以新模式和持份者合作 ─ 以工作為本的青年就業服務
講題: 以研究推動倡議及服務發展
講題 :和解之路
講題: 愛+人「加多 • 和諧」
講題: 建立家庭健康量表之旅
講題: 研究與服務發展之實踐
藉着介紹三項由明愛家庭服務所推行的具實踐研究元素之服務計劃,分別為 (i)小學生家長情緒管理小組、(ii)內省智能對青少年抵消傳媒影響、 和 (iii) 為性罪犯重建性健康,本報告欲分享本會在執行實踐研究過程中所遇到的挑戰及其解決方法,與此同時,報告亦會就計劃在實踐時,研究如何幫助社會服務的發展上加以闡述。
講題: 服務與實証為本的配合 ─ 生命導師結連貧窮兒童服務
講題: 引入工作員參與實務研究的經驗
講題: 成立硏倡中心 - 推動病人自我管理與自助
經過多年實踐循證為本而奠定的良好基础,香港復康會於2012年4月1日成立嶄新的單位 - 研究及倡議中心 (簡稱研倡中心),致力推行高質素的研究,並倡議服務使用者的需要,促進長期病患者、殘疾人士及長者共融社會。
講題: 消除冒風險青年對精神科藥物誤解的有效方法
講題: 防止虐兒‧由零歲開始:伴侶間暴力與虐兒的關係
The presentation will make use of a recently published study “Violence against pregnant women can increase the risk of child abuse: A longitudinal study” to inform the prevention of child abuse.
The study was to assess the impact of intimate partner violence (IPV) against pregnant women on subsequent perpetration of child abuse and neglect (CAN) by parents; and to test the mediation effect of recent IPV on the link between IPV during pregnancy and subsequent CAN. This study was a longitudinal follow-up of a population-based study on pregnancy IPV conducted in antenatal clinics in 7 public hospitals in Hong Kong in 2005. Of all participants in the 2005 study, we recruited 487 women (with 184 having reported pregnancy IPV in the 2005 study) with newborn babies for a follow-up telephone interview in 2008.
Results showed that IPV experienced by participants during pregnancy was associated with greater odds of both lifetime (aOR = 1.74) and preceding-year child physical maltreatment (aOR = 1.78). Results of the regression analyses also provided supportive evidence for the mediation effect of recent IPV victimization on the relationship between IPV during pregnancy and recent CAN against children.
IPV against women during pregnancy predicted subsequent CAN on newborns in Chinese populations. This underscores the importance of screening pregnant women for IPV in order to prevent CAN at an early stage. Clinical screening for violence should be provided during prenatal and postnatal care in order to prevent later child maltreatment. The Chinese Abuse Assessment Screen will be introduced as an effective tool for violence screening. Home visitations are suggested to break the cycle of violence within a nuclear family.
講題: 有關人瑞對老齡生活啟示研究
The 20th International Day of Older Persons acknowledges older persons as an increasingly significant segment of society. The number of citizens 60 or older will rise to more than 2 billion by 2050, and the fastest-growing age group is the oldest-old. More importantly, the number of people worldwide who live beyond the age of 100 will significantly increase by about 18 times, from 180,000 centenarians in 2000 to 3.2 million by 2050. In Hong Kong, there was a 5.5-fold increase in the number of centenarians over the past few decades, while they are mostly considered to be an under-represented minority. This study aimed to characterize the health profile of the Hong Kong community-dwelling nonagenarians and centenarians and to identify their health care service needs. A total of 153 cognitively intact participants have been face-to-face interviewed from April to September 2011. A quota sampling method for recruiting samples was used in accordance with the proportion of population aged 85+ by 18 Geographical Constituency Area. Data collected included information on family structure, general functioning, activities of daily living, physical health, and cognitive function. Relevant demographic, socioeconomic, and environmental data were also collected.