Conference(Ⅱ) 2011

28 November 2011
9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Auditorium, 1/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
English / Cantonese
Registration Fee:
$400 (HKCSS Agency Member Staff)
$450 (Non Agency Member)
$250 each for participants enrolling conf 1 & 2
Measuring and understanding the impact of your services can help you improve your services, motivate your staff and engage with funders. Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is the latest tool which helps to articulate the impacts generated by a social service. It is all about finding evidence on how social services have impacted the society and articulating such impacts with notions and terms that are easily understandable by the general public. Articulation of social impacts has grown its international significance in this decade.

The conference will offer perspectives on social impact measurement from leading charities, academics and grant-makers. It will cover a variety of topics ranging from identifying interested parties in SIA development, understanding the idea of SIA across stakeholders; generating common knowledge and expectations on SIA; and consolidating the SIA framework to be used in Hong Kong.

Keynote Speaker:

Mr. Michael ,Weatherhead,

Managing Director, nef consulting

Michael joined the nef in 2008 as product manager on development and deployment of nef’s socio-economic measurement services and tools, including Social Return on Investment (SROI), well-being@work and the Developer’s Socio-economic Framework.

Being an economist by training and has worked for a number of economic consultancies, Michael has both delivered, and managed the delivery of, nef consulting’s services across a range of private, public and third sector organisations, including regeneration, employment, health and housing sectors. Michael is an accredited SROI practitioner and is a deliverer of nef consulting’s SROI training.

Programme Rundown (Provided Powerpoint download)

09:00 – 09:30 Registration
09:30 – 09:40 Introduction
MC: Ms. Vania Ho
Opening Remark
Addresser: Ms Christine Fang: (Chief Executive)
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
09:40 – 10:10 Keynote Addresss
(Download powerpoint)
Keynote speaker: Mr Michael Weatherhead (Managing Director )
nef consulting United Kingdom
Topic: Social valuation: drivers and principles
10:10 – 11:10 Roundtable discussion
Impacting our society: What are we looking for?
Facilitator: Dr Raees Baig(Manager)
(Download powerpoint)
Centre for Social Impact HKCSS
Panel Discussion (40mins)
Panalists: Mr. LAM Woon-kwong, GBS,JP (Chairpersion)
(Download powerpoint)
Equal Opportunities Commission
Dr Law Chi-kwong
(Download powerpoint)
Associate Professor
The University of Hong Kong
Mr Lo Kai-chung
(Download powerpoint)
Services for Ethnic Minorities
HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre
Ms Robin Bishop
Chief Operating Officer
Community Business
Open Floor (20mins)
11:10 – 11:30 Refreshment and networking
11:30 - 12:45 Session 1
Building a framework for sustainable social development through evidence-based learning
Presentation (45mins)
Dr Law Chi-kwong
(Download powerpoint)
Associate Professor
The University of Hong Kong
Topic: The past, present, and future of social impact assessment in social welfare services
Dr Ray Yep
(Download powerpoint)
Research Director
Topic: Assessing Governance and Accountability: Merits and Limitaions
Mr Vincent Yip
Associate Principal
Mckinsey & Company
Topic: Health and Performance of Social Enterprise
Panel Discussion & Open Floor (30mins)
12:45 – 14:15 Lunch
14:15 – 15:45 Session 2
Attributing social change with service: proofing and enhancing efforts
Ms Rose Yu
Senior Research Assistant
The University of Hong Kong
Presentation (60mins)
Mr kee Chi-hing
(Download powerpoint)
Fullness Social Enterprises Society
Ms Law Lap-man
(Download powerpoint)
Senior Programme Officer
YMCA of Hong Kong - Cheung Sha Wan Centre
Ms Jodie Hui
(Download powerpoint)
Coordinating Officer
The Association for the Advancement of Feminism
Ms Peggy Ko
(Download powerpoint)
Project Manager
Hong Kong Blind Union
Panel Discussion & Open Floor (30mins)
15:45 – 16:00 Refreshment and networking
16:00 – 16:45 Roundtable conclusion
Mr Anthony Wong
Chief Research Officer
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service