循證為本實踐論壇2011 -- 社會影響評估:如何解析及引證服務成效
$400 (社聯機構會員職員)
$450 (非機構會員)
每場論壇$250 (參與兩場論壇的參加者)
$450 (非機構會員)
每場論壇$250 (參與兩場論壇的參加者)
量度及了解機構服務的成效,不單能協助機構改善服務,鼓勵員工,同時能協助機構與捐款者建立關係。社會影響評估(Social Impact Assessment)是呈現社會福利服務成果最新的工具,當中包括尋找實證以證明相關的社會服務如何影響社會,並把有關的成效及影響,轉化為公眾容易明白的概念。在這10年間,社會影響評估在國際社會上已漸漸受到重視。
Mr. Michael ,Weatherhead,
Managing Director, nef consulting
Michael joined the nef in 2008 as product manager on development and deployment of nef’s socio-economic measurement services and tools, including Social Return on Investment (SROI), well-being@work and the Developer’s Socio-economic Framework.
Being an economist by training and has worked for a number of economic consultancies, Michael has both delivered, and managed the delivery of, nef consulting’s services across a range of private, public and third sector organisations, including regeneration, employment, health and housing sectors. Michael is an accredited SROI practitioner and is a deliverer of nef consulting’s SROI training.
程序: (只提供英文版及附上簡報下載)
09:00 – 09:30 | Registration | |
09:30 – 09:40 | Introduction MC: Ms. Vania Ho Opening Remark Addresser: Ms Christine Fang: (Chief Executive) The Hong Kong Council of Social Service |
09:40 – 10:10 | Keynote Addresss (Download powerpoint) Keynote speaker: Mr Michael Weatherhead (Managing Director ) nef consulting United Kingdom Topic: Social valuation: drivers and principles |
10:10 – 11:10 | Roundtable discussion Impacting our society: What are we looking for? |
Facilitator: Dr Raees Baig(Manager) (Download powerpoint) Centre for Social Impact HKCSS Panel Discussion (40mins) |
Mr. LAM Woon-kwong, GBS,JP (Chairpersion) (Download powerpoint) Equal Opportunities Commission |
Dr Law Chi-kwong (Download powerpoint) Associate Professor The University of Hong Kong |
Mr Lo Kai-chung (Download powerpoint) Unit-in-charge Services for Ethnic Minorities HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre Ms Robin Bishop Chief Operating Officer Community Business |
Open Floor (20mins) | ||
11:10 – 11:30 | Refreshment and networking | |
11:30 - 12:45 | Session 1 Building a framework for sustainable social development through evidence-based learning |
Facilitator: (TBC) Presentation (45mins) |
Speakers: | ||
Dr Law Chi-kwong (Download powerpoint) Associate Professor The University of Hong Kong Topic: The past, present, and future of social impact assessment in social welfare services |
Dr Ray Yep (Download powerpoint) Research Director SynergyNet Topic: Assessing Governance and Accountability: Merits and Limitaions |
Mr Vincent Yip Associate Principal Mckinsey & Company Topic: Health and Performance of Social Enterprise Panel Discussion & Open Floor (30mins) |
12:45 – 14:15 | Lunch | |
14:15 – 15:45 | Session 2 Attributing social change with service: proofing and enhancing efforts |
Facilitator: Ms Rose Yu Senior Research Assistant The University of Hong Kong Presentation (60mins) |
Speakers: Mr kee Chi-hing (Download powerpoint) Chair Fullness Social Enterprises Society |
Ms Law Lap-man (Download powerpoint) Senior Programme Officer YMCA of Hong Kong - Cheung Sha Wan Centre |
Ms Jodie Hui (Download powerpoint) Coordinating Officer The Association for the Advancement of Feminism |
Ms Peggy Ko (Download powerpoint) Project Manager Hong Kong Blind Union Panel Discussion & Open Floor (30mins) |
15:45 – 16:00 | Refreshment and networking | |
16:00 – 16:45 | Roundtable conclusion Facilitator: Mr Anthony Wong Chief Research Officer The Hong Kong Council of Social Service |